Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System
Seminar Series:Advanced Robotics & MEMS
题目:Industrial Robotics and Automation for Applications at Nanoscale
报告人:Sergej Fatikow (Full Professor, Dr.-Ing. habil)
单位:University of Oldenburg, Germany/Research Center OFFIS, Germany
时间:本周五 (12月21日) 下午2:30-4:30
Abstract: Current research activities in AMiR include, amongst others, the development of new nano-handling robots; the investigation of novel automated nanohandling strategies; the develop-ment of advanced control methods; as well as the investigation of suitable real-time sensing technologies at nanoscale. In his talk, Prof. Fatikow introduces the new reasearch field of industrial robotics and automation for applications at nanoscale. He specially addresses his current work on an automated nanohandling robot cell inside a scanning electron microscope(SEM). The latter serves as a powerful vision sensor and the work space for nanohandling robots integrated into the vacuum chamber and equipped with application-specific tools. Major research issues of this work regarding the implementation of the main system components--the piezo-driven nanohandling robots, the robot control system, the sensor feedback–are discussed. Finally, current research projects and applications being pursued in AMiR are outlined. They include automated nanoassembly of AFM supertips inside SEM, handling and characterization of carbon nanotubes and graphene flakes, automated fabrication and exchange of nanorobot tools, automation issues in AFM-based nanohandling, and others.
Sergej Fatikow studied electrical engineering and computer science at the Ufa Aviation Technical University in Russia, where he received his doctoral degree in 1988 with work on fuzzy control of non-linear systems. After that he worked until 1990 as a lecturer at the same university. During his work in Russia he published over 30 papers and successfully applied for over 50 patents in intelligent control and mechatronics. In 1990 he moved to the Institute for Process Control and Robotics at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany, where he worked as a postdoctoral scientific researcher and since 1994 as Head of the research group “Microrobotics and Micromechatronics”. He became an assistant professor in 1996. In 2000 he accepted a professor position at the University of Kassel, Germany. A year later, he was invited to establish a new Division for Microrobotics and Control Engineering at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. Since 2001 he is a full professor in the Department of Computing Science and Head of this Division. He is also Head of Technology Cluster Automated Nanohandling at the Research Institute for Information Technology (OFFIS) in Germany. His research interests include industrial robotics for micro- and nano scales, sensor feedback at nanoscale, automated robotic operation inside SEM, micro- and nanoassembly, robotic characterization and measurement at nanoscale, and AFM-based nanohandling. He is author of three books on microsystem technology, microrobotics and microassembly, robot-based nanohandling, and automation at nanoscale, published by Springer in 1997, Teubner in 2000, and Springer in 2008. Since 1990 he published over 100 book chapters and journal papers and over 250 conference papers. Prof. Fatikow is Founding Chair of the International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO) and Europe-Chair of IEEE-RAS Technical Committee on Micro/Nano Robotics and Automation.