南开大学机器人与信息自动化研究所 天津市智能机器人技术重点实验室
Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System
Seminar Series:Advanced Robotics & MEMS
Title: Container Shipping Supply Chain: Status and Issues
Speaker: Professor Dongping SONG from University of Liverpool Management School
时间:2014-07-22 上午10点
Abstract: Container is hailed as one of the greatest inventions in the last century. The container box has transformed the way cargo moves around the world and has a vital impact on the global supply chains. In this talk, I will first present an overview of the container shipping industry covering its status, development and characteristics. Secondly, I will address a range of research issues and opportunities associated with container shipping supply chain management, which is mainly based on my research experience. Meanwhile, I will discuss a number of problems and challenges that deserve more research.