Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System
Seminar Series:Advanced Robotics & MEMS
题目:Computation based Biophotonics and Drug Discovery
时间:2014年5月8日 (周四)下午2:00-4:00
地点:计算机与控制工程学院419会议室 (原附中)
Introduction: Three dimensional imaging on large, thick fluorescent biological specimens is of great interest to modern life science. Currently, confocal is the mostly used light microscopy for 3D imaging. In recent years, light sheet microscopy (LSM) is invented as a revolutionary imaging technique that uniquely allows 3D imaging over a wider range when compared to confocal. However, when imaging large samples, even with a LSM, the resulting optical resolution and pixel resolution are both insufficient to interpret the large scale dynamics and the subcellular event at the same time, especially along Z direction . To address this issue, we develop a Super Resolution Light Sheet Microscope (SRLSIM) with significant resolution enhancement as well as simplified optical setting. The hardware setting of SRLSM is based on a simplified SPIM. With low magnification detection objectives, we simply oversample the specimens during Z scanning and define multiple sub image stacks based on the acquired raw sequence. A super resolution algorithm is then used to reconstruct the image in a high resolution grid. A variety of thick samples, such as zebrafish embryos, 3D cultured cells are imaged using the SRLSM technique.
Biography: Dr. Peng Fei received his B.S. from the Wuhan University in 2004 and his M.S. from the Peking University in 2008. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Peking University in 2012 and then joined the Prof. Chih-Ming Ho Group as a PostDoc. He is currently interested in research in functional optofludic chip design and fabrication, novel super resolution microscopy, computation based biology and cancer drug discovery. He published 13 journal papers, which have been cited 755 times. His H-index is 11 and his research had been highlighted by several news report, such as Nature Photonics, MIT technique review, FOX news, etc. He is an invited reviewer for a number of journals, such as Plos One,
Biomaterials and Sensors & Actuators.