南开大学机器人与信息自动化研究所 天津市智能机器人技术重点实验室
Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System
Seminar Series:Advanced Robotics & MEMS
Title: Cognition inspired robot learning and control
Speaker: Jianwei Zhang
Institute TAMS (Technical Aspects of Multimodal Systems)
Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg
时间:2014-08-06 下午:2点-4点
Abstract: In a dynamic and changing world, a robust and effective industrial control system must have adaptive behaviors, incrementally learnable skills and a high-level conceptual understanding of the world it inhabits, as well as planning capabilities for autonomous operations. Future intelligent control systems will benefit from the recent research on neurocognitive models in processing multisensory data, exploiting synergy, integrating high-level knowledge and learning, etc. I will first introduce multisensory integration methods for intelligent control of robots. Then I will present our investigation and experiments on synergy technique which uses fewer parameters to govern the high DOF of multifinger robot movement. The third part of my talk will demonstrate how an intelligent system like a robot can evolve its model as a result of learning from experiences; and how such a model allows a robot to better understand new situations by integration of knowledge, planning and learning. I will show some integrated results of operational mobile robot platforms with grasping facilities in a restaurant service scenario.
Biography: Jianwei Zhang is Professor and Director of TAMS Institute of the University of Hamburg, Germany. He received both his Bachelor of Engineering (1986, with distinction) and Master of Engineering (1989) from the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, and his PhD (1994) at the Institute of Real-Time Process Techniques and Robotics, Department of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. His research interests are bio-inspired control, multisensory fusion, autonomous learning, dexterous manipulation, and service robot applications. In these areas he has published about 300 journal and conference papers, technical reports, six book chapters and two research monographs. He has been the PI and Coordinator of several large-scale EU and German National Projects. He has received numerous awards, including the IEEE ROMAN Best Paper Award in 2002, the IEEE AIM Best Paper Award 2008, the IEEE ROBIO Best Paper Award 2013 and IEEE ICIA Best Paper in Information 2014. He is member of organization committee of numerous international conferences, including IEEE ICRA 2011 Program Co-chair, IEEE MFI 2012 General Chair, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2015 General Chair. He is member of AdCom of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 2013-2015.