南开大学机器人与信息自动化研究所 天津市智能机器人技术重点实验室
Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics
Seminar Series:Advanced Robotics & MEMS
报告题目:Walking with Robots 与机器人同行
报告人:张娟娟 博士(卡内基梅隆大学 Experimental Biomechatronics Lab)
时间:2016-10-07 周五 上午10:00-11:00.
Juanjuan Zhang received her B.Eng from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore with a major in Electricaland Electronic Engineering and a minor in Computing. She finished her Dual Ph.D. Programme heldby Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in August 2016, whichearned her one M.S. and two independant Ph.D. degrees: one in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellonand the other in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Nanyang. She is currently working as a postdoctoralresearcher in Experimental Biomechatronics Lab of Carnegie Mellon.
Robotic devices have been used in post-stroke or trauma neurorehabilitation process for years. Due to theuncertain, complex, and changing physical human-robot-interaction dynamics involved and task-specific objectivesfor rehabilitation, control of this type of devices remains a vast area of research. My PhD researchseeks systematicness in rehabilitation robot control design by developing control frameworks for upper- andlow-limb rehabilitation devices that can be generally applied on multiple devices, using theoretical and experimentalmethodologies. My research examines the control difficulties and provides solutions for two specificgroups of rehabilitation robots that are widely used: the upper-limb rehabilitation robot for reaching and trackingtasks that consists of a robot arm linked to human arm in series, and the powered ankle exoskeleton for humangait training. To address systematic control for these two groups of robots, my prior research investigatedseveral separate problems. In one study, I developed a stable control architecture for upper-limb rehabilitationrobots that automatically provides training to different patients at different stages while ensuring humansafety. In another project, I developed a robust torque control framework for robotic legged locomotion systemslike lower-limb exoskeletons, prostheses and walking robots, and optimized control conditions and devicemechanical properties to further improve torque tracking. I also developed an online optimization system forexoskeleton and prostheses high level controllers that greatly reduced human metabolic costs.Besides previous work, I will also share my future research interests in the field of wearable robots and roboticlegged locomotion.