--- Selected Publication @Nankai University---
5. Chen, J., Dang, Y*, Han, J.D.*, Offset-free model predictive control of a soft manipulator using the Koopman operator, Mechatronics, minor revision, 2022. 4. Han, J.D., Chen, J., Yu, N.B., Dang, Y*, Active Modeling and Control of the Ring-Shaped Pneumatic Actuator: An Experimental Study, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, accepted, 2021.pdf
--- Journal Publication @University of Auckland --- 3. Dang, Y., Liu, Y.X., Hashem, R., Bhattacharya, D., Allen, J., Stommel, M., Cheng, L. K., Xu, W. L.*, SoGut: a soft robotic gastric simulator. Soft Robotics, 2021, 8, P.273-283. pdf, video 2. Dang, Y., Devaraj, H., Stommel, M., Cheng, L. K., McDaid, A. J, Xu, W. L.*, Experimental investigation into dynamics of a radially contracting actuator with embedded sensing capability, Soft Robotics, 2020, 7, P.478-490. pdf 1. Dang, Y., Stommel, M., Cheng, L. K., Xu, W. L.*, A soft ring-shaped actuator for radial contracting deformation: design and modeling. Soft Robotics, 2019, 6, P.444-454. pdf Full publication list: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o8gMSfwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate